Final Assignment
Scale- the smaller hairs constructed from the larger image of microscope image of hair -microscopic image of hair blown up so viewer can see that that’s what the hair is made of color- the dress comes from my color palette that I made during the color theory assignment but with a little white added to …
Black Square Design
Draft #1, final adjustment, Increase, Order, Bold, Congested, Playful, and Tension.
Yusef Williams
Rihanna’s hair stylist
Chris Appleton
Thumbnail Sketch of a Speaker and chapstick
touch, Cropped +touch, Birds eye, open, and Cropped
Sareena’s About me page
Major: Bioengineering with a concentration of mechanics and materials Minors: Entrepreneurship and Product Design Year: 3rd year Preferred Pronoun: Her/Hers Website for business: